You Create Reality

Friday, March 2, 2007

How Do You Define Reality?

With all the hullabaloo lately surrounding "The Secret" specifically, and The Law of Attraction in general, there appears to be a growing interest in the idea of creating one's own reality through focused thought and intention.

I think this is a fabulous leap forward in mankinds evolution, and a great opportunity for all of us already familiar with the LOA to learn, share, and grow.

With all of the interest of late, it has me thinking about "Reality" and what that word means to me, both in concept and form. The word defines itself, reality is that which is real. In the physical, this would be anything we can measure in form through our physical senses. It is all that exists in matter, outside our mind.

When the word is looked at conceptually, it becomes more difficult to define. In this light the line between what is real and what is not is less clear. Truth is the best word I can come up with to define what "Reality" is in concept. It is that which is changeless. A reality is that which can never become or change into anything else. It just is, and will never be anything other than what it is.

As you can see, the idea that "Reality" is unchangeable, kinda changes my perception of creating my own reality. I've decided that what I refer to as "Reality" is in fact "Illusion". I say this because only if what we see around us is Illusory, can it be manipulated or changed by our thoughts.

In esoteric thought there are two worlds: Reality & Illusion, the inner and outer worlds. The MIND, or Consciousness is "Reality" the manifestation is "Illusion". Now in this illusory reality we call the Universe of Form, anything would be possible, so long as there is no "Reality" which prevents it from changing.

Obviously, I'm not going to change my blog name - because, who would be searching for information on "Creating my own illusion"? For now I'll keep the title I've adopted, but my perception of reality is shifting again. I have finally reached a point where I truly believe almost everything in this realm we've deemed "Reality" is in fact just an illusion and can be changed with just a shift in thought.

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Thursday, March 1, 2007

Blaming the Victim? or Secret Bashing?

ok, so I’ve seen my share of blogs lately bashing “The Secret” and the Law of Attraction in general for blaming the victims.

The authors of these blogs like to add large pictures of starving children, children digging through garbage in dumps, and so on, to make their point that The Law of Attraction is bull_it.

They also demand to know how the makers of “The Secret” can justify telling people that they create their reality. “What about these kids?”. There is the thought out there that it is irresponsible to tell people they can have whatever they want, when there are so many victims living tragedy and scarcity.

Here is a quote from a post over at FantasticPlanet:

“This movie just pisses me off because it’s more of that insidious blame-the-victim garbage the Archons like to trap people into. I deal with terminally ill cancer patients all day long, and jerkoffs like Byrne would have people believe that this disease they’re going through can just be wished away? Or, indeed, that these miraculous “Laws of Attraction” should be used to get cars and money???”

Let’s just stop a second. Let’s think about this.

I understand the logic they state, because it is logic based on their BELIEF and perception that LIFE just happens to us. That belief is a belief in powerlessness, because without powerlessness, there are no victims anywhere in this world.

It is the belief that we have no choice in our destiny.

Yes, there are sad and horrible things that happen to people every single day.

As someone who believes in the Law of Attraction, I must take just a second here and ask, how is my belief that I create MY reality causing or reinforcing these sad and horrible things which others perceive as reality? I am certainly not blaming anyone for anything, and that is the point of The Law of Attraction. It is me saying, only for me, that I am not a victim of life, I am the creator of my life. To somehow make that into something far different, that I am now the perpetrator of autrocities against starving children, and the “Victims” of life, is …..crap. Perhaps, these same accusers feel guilty for what they have which other less fortunate people do not? I am sorry, but I will not allow anyone make me feel WRONG or GUILTY for taking responsibility for my life & reality, nor for holding a belief that I can have, do, or be - anything I desire.

These blogs are asking, “How can you tell someone they can have a shiny new car” just by having happy thoughts when there are children starving to death? Why aren’t you teaching people to focus thought on food for every child, for world peace, for love and forgiveness? Why is it just about the shiny new car, or the big house, or the million dollars?

Good questions. I’d like to know that too.

You see, ultimately, the Law of Attraction must be used for greater good. Eventually, when enough people hold a true belief in their power to create and define their reality, they will focus on creating an end to world hunger, on abundance for everyone, on wellness for all, on love, on peace throughout the world, and healing of all that is offensive to our understanding and our evolution.

Why is the focus of “The Secret” just about having THINGS and RELATIONSHIPs?

Honestly, my opinion is that if were just about creating a better world, a better future, or evolving - not so many people would be interested. Unfortunately, mankind is driven by EGO, and on focusing on the nonessential. It is true.

Perhaps this is just a small step, a beginning if you will, a slight advance against mankinds ego-driven mind.

In the ‘One step at a time’ tradition, perhaps in the near future the focus will be on all of these higher thoughts and visions, rather than material gain. It is baby-steps perhaps, but it is progress.

Maybe for the makers of “The Secret” this is but a first step towards a grander vision.

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Law of Attraction Carnival

My blog on Healing was included in the Law of Attraction Carnival over at Evolvingtimes, click here to check it out.

My blog on physical healing is a controversial view, many people in the media and other blogs have said that by saying we create our own illness, disease, and bad fortune, we are more or less “Blaming the victim”.

I can only write what I’ve learned about disease and illness through first-hand experience and observation. You are free to disagree.

Three years ago, I couldn’t walk. Due to tremendous pain in my lower back and a severe problem with sciatica. Simply trying to stand caused pain severe enough for me to pass out and be unconscious.

Luckily, I had the book “A Course In Miracles” which I devoured.

My healing began with my thoughts. With one thought actually, “Pain is an illusion, I create the illusion of pain”. I said this to myself every time I perceived what felt like pain.

Then I moved on to more positive and useful thoughts, like - “I feel better”, “I can sit up”, “I can…..” and so on.

For two years after this, even though I could walk, I had tingling and numbness in my left foot and leg - every day I focus on what is right and what is good, I focus thoughts on how wonderful it is to walk, to be able to get up out of bed, to care for my children, and other wonderful positive things.

My healing post was not just my rephrasing other people’s thoughts or theories about using the law of attraction for healing, but my own views, perceptions, and history of using the law of attraction for my very own healing.

>> I am editing this post to add… I started with the thought “Pain is an illusion, I create the illusion of pain” for two reasons:

1. To assist myself in accepting that I was creating what I perceived to be reality.

2. To assist myself in accepting that what I perceived as “Pain” was not in fact pain. It was an imbalance in myself which was manifesting in the form of what I believed was physical pain & illness.

Once I stopped the cycle of thought, changed my beliefs & perception about pain, then I could move on to create health and wellness for myself.

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Healing Through the Law of Attraction

Healing Through the Law of Attraction
by Vicki Link

The fundamental difficulty in applying The Law of Attraction for physical healing, lies in your belief in and focus upon sickness and disease.

Sickness is a negative energy state made manifest in the physical body.
Disease is a negative energy loop or cycle made manifest in the body.

If you have an established & firm belief in sickness, and you feel your stomach churning and have a headache, your mind jumps to thoughts of sickness. “I must be getting the flu”, you tell yourself, and it is so. Now, what if the very initial feelings of what you perceived as “Sickness” were simply a physical manifestation of an energy imbalance? What if you did not hold a firm belief in sickness based on past experience? If this were true, you may have perceived an imbalance in your vibration instead, and then focused & visualised yourself as vibrant, healthy, and well.

Disease comes about in a similar way as illness, except that you get caught in a negative energy loop. The combination of fear and negative thoughts brings more sickness, this then reinforces your belief in disease and renews your focus on your “Disease”, which in turn strengthens your “Disease” vibration, and results in yet stronger beliefs, bringing you even more disease.

The desire to experience less pain, for instance, creates more pain because it validates and focuses your beliefs and intent upon the existence of pain as your reality. Acknowleging pain is acceptance of it as your reality, which then makes the intention & acceptance of feeling healthy more difficult to manifest.

In the above example of Disease and the negative energy loop, what is essential is breaking the cycle of thought/intention/emotion which recreates the disease in the present moment.

It isn’t a matter of “Curing” the disease or receiving “Healing” so much as it is Accepting that you were in error in your belief in sickness. By accepting wellness and health as the true natural state of your being, you stop the negative energy flow. For some, this will not only be difficult, it might be impossible. Many people have a rock solid belief in medical science, and they will accept a death sentence, simply because their belief in “science” and “medicine” is unshakeable.

At this point there will be someone reading and thinking, “Wait a minute, we are talking science here, there is research and documentation that sickness, disease and pain are very real. Throughout the course of history there has existed”, ….blah, blah, blah.

I say to you, your thoughts create everything. Is disease a law of the universe? Is sickness a law of the universe? No, it is your interpretation or perception of a physical manifestation of negative energy. Your perception of this manifestation forms your belief, which, through the process of your thoughts and emotions, recreates it over and over again.

Society is so intently focused on sickness & disease, and holds such firm belief in and fear of sickness & disease, it is making it increasingly difficult to manifest wellness and health.

Here are some thoughts to ponder:

1. All study of disease & sickness by “Science” is a study of the past. Every study is a compilation of “Facts” about physical bodies in the past. Since we create what we focus on, simply studying a disease with intent focus creates more disease to study. Focusing on finding a “Cure” is a more positive focus of energy, yet it still requires a belief & focus on disease, which yields more disease to be cured.
2. Your body is designed to heal itself.
3. Your thoughts manifest your reality into matter. What you believe and focus on determines what happens.
4. If you were somehow able to withdraw your belief and focus from sickness & disease, what would happen?
5. Doctors & scientists are only equipped with knowledge gathered & based upon past perceptions and observations.
6. All things are possible. Every day medical science finds cases that they cannot explain away in medical terms. These unexplainable cases are often called “Miracles”.
7. Miracles are the acceptance of perfect health and well being as the natural state of your existence.
8. Focus on pain, sickness, and disease brings more pain, sickness, and disease.
9. Shifting focus and rethinking your beliefs bring about “Miracles”.
10. You can have perfect health and wellness, if that is your desire, your belief, and your focus.

The ultimate question about the Law of Attraction and healing is this: Do your beliefs & perceptions based upon past experience create your future?

The past has in fact created this moment, the now. There is simply no denying that what you experience NOW, has come about based upon what you thought, believed, and felt in your past.

The present moment is the accumulation of every thought, perception, desire, and belief you’ve had, but it does NOT have to determine your future experiences. The next moment is undecided and filled with every possibility. Your future can be whatsoever you desire it to be, if you hold an intent & belief which are congruent with that vision.

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